We leverage our strengths as a former investment management company in research and analysis to explore the future of the economy and financial infrastructures.
We aim to be a knowledge-creating company that contributes to the development of our customers and society.
- (1) Explore the future and learn about present Identify problems and seek solutions.
- (2) Show specific measures for the future Demonstrate specific solutions to the problem.
- (3) Realize the ideal future. Provide the development and support needed to solve problems.
Contracted clients
We provide highly repeatable consulting services such as asset building and business scheme planning to meet the needs of our clients.
joining projects
By actually running or participating in a number of projects, we can accumulate practical know-how.
Investing capital
We do not rely on sales, but rather on the dividends we receive from investing our retained earnings to operate the company.

- Estimated :JUL 2011
- Capital :1,000,000 SG Dollar
- Total assets :20,000,00 US Dollar
- Location :
- (SG Corp) 9 Raffles Place, Level 58 Republic Plaza, Singapore 0486119
(UK Corp) The South Quay Building, 77 Marsh Wall LONDON
(US Corp) -in progress-
(Cyber space) -Release Schedule Jun 2021-